The farmer in us – planting seeds

The garden center was busy building the seed racks and unpacking thousands of small packets of seeds.  I wondered what all the fuss was about.  I asked Brian J. Wheat, CEO and CSU Master Gardener – “Why plant seeds?” Brian says there are many reasons to start a garden from seed: The joy of watching…

Textured Indoor Plants

I just purchased a new home and wanted to add interesting touches, so I was scouring home décor magazines.  I wanted something other than candlesticks, books and empty vases that seemed to be the most popular choices.  I wanted to bring life to my surroundings. Luckily, I work at Lafayette Florist.  However, I work in…

Won’t You Be My Blooming Valentine?

Many folks think florists and card companies invented Valentine’s Day. Well, here is the scoop on the day of love: There are many legends on the origin of Valentine’s Day, from saints to Faunus, the Roman god of agriculture. The most popular one goes all the way back to 270 A.D., when Bishop Valentine performed…

The Flower Name Game

“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” is a commonly quoted part of a dialogue in William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet, in which Juliet argues that the name of things do not matter, only what things “are.” There are a few names of flowers that “are” romantic, such as Love-in-a-Mist, Bleeding…

Houseplants: Our Favorite Air Filters

Houseplants have always played an important part of health and well being. Having green plants around gives us a nice feeling, a connection with nature, a Mother Nature “warm fuzzy,” if you will. We love our plants and in return, they love us back and go beyond the call of duty by cleansing the air…

Beautiful Blooming Plants Bring Holiday Cheer

As the season of giving, family gatherings and holiday events approach, I hark back to a simpler time. As a child, I remember the cornfields of central Illinois giving up their bounty and then, lying silently as the cold wind sweeps over the frozen tundra. The trees and shrubs have all settled in for the…

The Perfect Tribute To Honor Our Veterans

As a U.S. Air Force veteran, artist and flower shop owner, I’ve always known the positive power of flowers. From my youth on the flat farmlands of Illinois to the alpine flora in the great state of Colorado, I’ve been blessed to be surrounded by Mother Nature’s bounty and beauty for most of my life….

Plant A Garden For Pollinators

My family has been in the flower business for more than 66 years, now in our fourth generation. We take pride on being good stewards of the land and its resources. Planting, growing and selling plants and flowers that not only beautify, but also benefit the environment and its creatures. By now, most of you…

Jack-O’-Lanterns… The Savvy Squash And Other Scary Plants

Nothing says Halloween like our friend the pumpkin. From a decorative Jack-o’-Lanterns to tasty pies. Native to North American this versatile squash is used as food and recreation. For carving, pumpkin-chunkin (world record at over 4,000 ft.), pies, breads, muffins, pancakes and lattes, it sure gets around. Originating in Ireland and Scotland, carved pumpkins made…

Fall Gardening – Fun In The Autumn Sun

As the days get shorter, the nights start to chill, and that summer sun that was cooking us all season, gives us a much needed break. My thoughts turn to what is happening in the lawn and garden. Patio pots are starting to lose their pizzazz; those once colorful gems are spent and faded. Vegetable…