Sweetly Stunning Bouquet

Sweetly Stunning Bouquet

Simply grand in color and style, this artisan design brings together a favorite color combination of orange against pink and succeeded in making it both modern and sophisticated. A celebration of life, love, and every wonderful moment along the way, this bright and showy arrangement exhibits a soft fragrance from its blooms while sitting in a clear glass vase with a modern flair. When you send this bouquet you send happiness...

Please note that the exact vase shown is not available. We will substitute with a glass vase that will look wonderful.


Note:  The National Animal Poison Control Center says certain types of lilies can cause renal failure in cats that have ingested any part of the lily. Lafayette Florist recommends keeping lilies out of the reach of cats.  Please let us know if you would like to substitute the lilies for another flower.  It is important to note that lilies do not pose a problem for other pets or humans.

Dimensions: 24"H x 19"W

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